Article One
Article One exists to create heirloom eyewear that becomes part of your story.
At Article One, they believe in the future and importance of independent optical. They only work with independent optical shops like ours. This is for the same reason they work with small, family owned factories - authenticity and connection.
It is also the same reason we as customers shop at our local independent retailers of any kind. We care about connecting with the individuals behind the business. We care about the expertise of the proprietor and the community created through local independent businesses.
The family-owned factories we work with are experts at what they do. We work to give credit where credit is due by shining a light on the hands that touch each frame. The care put into Article One eyewear results in quality you can feel.
Article One was lucky enough to collaborate with the artist Maxine McCrann to create illustrations inspired by their SS22 collection.